Always Food

I’m back!  I haven’t written in a long time…not since the birth of my youngest son who is now almost 10 months old!  The addition of my son has added a lot of joy, but also taken a lot of energy and focus away from writing.  I have been waiting for a return to normalcy (whatever that is) so that I can start writing again, but it finally dawned on me that that isn’t going to happen.  Instead, I’m going to embrace the new normal.  I’m going to write what I can as often as I can, and I’m going to give up my perfectionism and click the “publish” button whether I think it’s good enough for public consumption or not.  I don’t know what will come of it, but hopefully something real and beneficial to my readers.  I hope you enjoy!


There is always nourishment in Jesus. I forget that sometimes. Especially when I let my mind wander for too long on theological problems and abstract questions. I will start getting bored of the technicalities spinning through my head and will project that boredom onto the underlying truth that all those words are trying to express. “Jesus loves me”.  I know. “He is always with me”.  I know that.  Blah, blah, blah.

What a beautiful escape it is to surrender the mental toil, the attempts to explain, the questions and paradoxes, and simply breathe the truth. Let it in. Let it out. This isn’t a mind game. The gospel is not a psychological theory. It isn’t a self-improvement seminar. It is a living, breathing reality. It is the image of the invisible God, made known to man. It is the revelation of Emanuel, God with us.

Something births in my soul every time I remember. Every time I drink of mercy. Every time I taste that He is here. Truly here. When I awaken to his realness, his invasive goodness. Jesus is good food. Jesus is good drink. He is hope. He is purpose. He is life.

2 thoughts on “Always Food

  1. mitchteemley says:

    Congrats (and prayers) on the birth of your son!

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